Professional Cosplayer Entertainer Cosplayers Wanted! Conventions Wanted! Doctor WHO
The Type 40 build is a fan built replica of the Tardis inspired by Doctor WHO on the BBC. The Maine Whovians built the Type 40 Build to share their love of all things WHO and Cosplay with conventions, fellow cosplayers and fans. So far the Type 40 build has landed at The Great Falls Comic Expo in Maine and it just recently it appeared at Fan Expo Boston. Believing that Cosplay is for everyone, this model has been modified to be wheel chair accessible so that everyone may have the chance to get inside their favorite blue box.
It is important to note that all photos and videos when at events with the Type 40 Build are free and the Maine Whovians did not create this to profit from its existence, it exists for shared enjoyment. Any event interested in hosting the Type 40 Build is invited to reach out via their Facebook Page.